How to start?

Hi there! The full guide isn't ready yet, but there's lots to help you start.

Kick things off by visiting the landing page. It offers a quick introduction to what the app is all about. After this, dive into the app's templates. They're designed to be easy to use and should mostly explain themselves.

If you're still curious, there's a short tutorial playlist available. It's only 30 minutes long and can provide some extra guidance.

Don't overlook the menu links on the left (or at the bottom). They're your gateway to the current (more or less unsorted) manual pages, which will keep growing over time.

And remember, for quick help, fun puzzles, and cool updates, check out the CircuitShepherd on X. Don't hesitate to ask questions - help is just a post away!

More resources are on the way. For now, start exploring and have fun! Welcome!

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